Company risk analysis & legal management Packages

Due diligence and identification of the risks

International Company legal Risk Management Package

Risk analysis contract reviews mediation and dispute

Business procedures, operations, contract application, and service, product delivery

Training and Legal protection

Company’s contractual, employment and regulatory risk

Legal management strategy

International and national Legal Counsel

Cross border legal issues

Employment Law Foreign & Domestic

Product Liability Issues

Dispute Resolution & Mediation

Insurance and Reinsurance

Protection of assets

Intellectual Property Protection

Project Finance




Real Estate


Environmental issues

Tax issues

Telecoms – infrastructure – energy- oil & gas – mining


Registration of corporate

Sale and acquisition of property

Leasing and licensing of property

Land use agreements for community groups

Creation of easements and various property rights

Contract drafting and negotiation including joint ventures and collaboration agreements

Dispute resolution and associated litigation in relation to various contracts

Compliance issues

Land and environment issues

Employment law issues

Debt recovery


Preparation of Disclosure Document and ancillary documents

Negotiating with government departments and councils

Drafting and advising clients on commercial and retail leases

Negotiating options contracts and conditions of sale

Property development

Dispute Resolution including negotiating, mediation and litigation

Advising on regulatory compliance



Property advice

Employment Law

Intellectual Property including and compliance

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare


Mergers and acquisitions

Logistics and Supply channel agreements upstream and downstream

Foreign Owned Subsidiaries

 Company secretarial compliance support

Drafting and reviewing service, supply and distribution agreements

Provision of employment, contractor and consultancy agreements

Business acquisitions

Advice on board composition and local law regulations

Skilled staff sponsorship for temporary and permanent migration

Debt recovery


Corporate services

Company Incorporation

Investor’s Facilitation

Secretarial services

Outsourcing services

Mergers and Acquisition


Strategies reorganization




Corporate Fraud

Directors and Officers


Broker – dealer Regulation

Cross- Border Transactions

Debt Capital Markets

Financial Institutions

Foreign Direct Investment

Free Trade Zone Regulation

Infrastructures and PPP

Venture Capital

Professional Services

Accounting Firm

Advertising Agencies

Architecture Firms

Business Consultants

Corporate and Transactional Services

Negotiation and preparation

Transaction documents

JV agreement

Share purchase Agreement

Letters of intent

Articles association

Non – disclosure agreements

Memorandum of understanding

Due diligence

Counseling and training company managers on various aspects

Corporate governance

Labor issues


Transfer of company’s ownership

Preparation of competition law compliance

Commercial agreements

Competition law

Corporate governance issues

Corporate restructuring

Fiduciary services

Fund raising

Investment transactions

Private equity

Mergers and Acquisitions

Private Equity


Special Committees

Takeovers and Tender Offers

Takeovers Tender

Venture Capital

Due diligence

Assessing risk associated with contracts

Business ventures

 Export controls

Due diligence,

Drafting and negotiating

Contractual protections

Jurisdiction issues

Secure export

Sanction licenses



Memoranda and regulatory interpretation

Approaching authorities and negotiating settlements

Perform legal due diligence

Review agreements

Draft corporate constitutional documents

Foreign exchange

Bank Mutual

Bank Capital

Capital Raising

Institutions Regulatory

Asset ‘Finance and Lending

Syndicated Lending

Debt Capital

Leasing and Finance

Financial Regulation

Fund Finance

Islamic Finance

Financial Institutions Regulatory

Private Equity

Corporate Debt

Public Finance

Accident and Health Insurance

Catastrophe and Major Claims Litigation

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

Financial Products Litigation

Long Term Care Insurance Litigation

Sales Practices Litigation


Insurance Compliance

Life Insurance and Annuities

Professional Liability

Property, Casualty and Liability Insurance


Securization Insurance

Insurance brokers, agents & intermediaries

Public authorities

Property companies




Banks and financial institutions

Developers, construction firms

Industrial concerns

Airways companies

Multimode transport firms

Insurance contract law (life & non-life insurance)

Insurance distribution – Insurance contracts for public authorities and bodies

Insurance company regulation

Insurance and taxation

M & A and insurance


Industrial risk

Pharmaceutical Companies and Products

Diagnostic Companies

Investigations and Defense

Information Technology

Biotechnology Companies


Due diligence


Project Finance

Transport Infrastructure: Airports, Bridges, Ports, Rail, Roads


Water: Water Waste, Water Management


Government Buildings

Infrastructure and PPP (Public – Private Partnership)

Government Contracts

Global Anti-Corruption

Political Law Ethics and Disclosure

Public contracting compliance

Project Finance

Procurement Law and Government Contracts

Project et Development

Concessions and Government Franchises


Design Services

Off take and Product Sales

Operation and Maintenance

Economic Development

Educational Institutions

Government Contractors and Grantees

Government Corporations

Multinational Agencies and Institutions

National Government

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Nonprofit Entities

State, Regional, Provincial Municipal and Local Government Bodies

Transport Authorities

Temporary/Nonimmigrant Visas

Consular Processing


Citizenship and Naturalization

Visitor for business

Treaty trader/investor


Temporary worker


Exchange visitor

Intra-company transferee


Registration of companies

Licensing of exploration and development

 Negotiating and drafting Contracts share production agreements, concession, and Oil services agreements


Oil and Gas




Oilfield Services and Equipment

Petrochemicals and Refining





Registration of companies -Licensing

Supply and Retail

Transmission and Distribution

Market Reform and Derivation

Project Approval

Trading and Marketing,

Electric Rates

Power Pools and Projects

Transmission Access and Pricing

Electric Power Transactions

Drafting and negotiating power purchase agreements

Negotiating financing agreements for private power project

Negotiating consents between lenders providing financing for a project and the utility purchasing power from the project






Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)




Feed-in-Tariff, FIT, Micro-FIT, FIT

Renewable energy Approval



Climate Policy and Law

Emissions Regulation

Emissions Trading

Carbon Tax


Mineral Exploration. Licensing and Permitting

Title Review and Due Diligence Mining

Mining Public Policy. Regulation, Community Relations and Disclosure

Environment and Natural Resources

Mining Disclosure

Mining Regulation and Compliance

Mining Joint Ventures

Mining Litigation and. Dispute Resolution

Mining Operations

Mining Transactions

Cross-border and Multijurisdictional Transactions

Mine Development and Mining Production

Mine Reclamation and Closure

Mineral and Mining Title

Mining litigation and Dispute Resolution

CIRGEL Certification

Initiative de traçabilité de l’Or d’Exploitation Artisanale (ITOA)



Company Incorporation


Forest products

Biotechnology, Crop and Plant Breeding, Protection, Fertilizer and Fiber R&D

Carbon credits and REDD+,

Emissions Regulation

Emissions Trading

Carbon Tax

Lumber Trade and production

Timberland investment and Land Protection trusts

Climate change

Due diligence

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


Contaminated sites and land

Crises Management

Emissions and Carbon

Environmental Disclosure and Corporate

Environmental Transparency

Environmental litigation

Export control

Nature protection and Biodiversity

Renewable and clean Technologies

Waste management regulation

Relations with location communities

Environmental Assessment and permitting

International environmental, Human rights and Trade

Environmental, product and trade Law and Liability

Environmental and health and safety Law

National, regional and international Levels.

Management of cross-border due diligence

Company Incorporation


Forest products

Biotechnology, Crop and Plant Breeding, Protection, Fertilizer and Fiber R&D

Carbon credits and REDD+,

Emissions Regulation

Emissions Trading

Carbon Tax

Lumber Trade and production

Timberland investment and Land Protection trusts

Climate change

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)




Commercial Litigation

Investment arbitration

Representative Matters

Multinational Trade Negotiation

Free trade Agreement Negotiations

Antidumping Policy

Safeguard Duties

Subsidies and Countervailing Duty Policy

WTO Analysis and Advocacy

Advice to Governments

WTO Litigation

Preferential Trade Agreements and Investment Protection

Implementation of and compliance with WTO regulations

Anti-dumping and countervailing duty inquiries, safeguards and other remedies trade remedies

Customs value for duty and transfer pricing

Tariff classification

Import and export controls, economic sanctions and trade embargoes

Strategic application of tariff and investment agreements, including WTO and

Customs audits of tariff classification, value and origin for preferential treatment

Civil seizure, forfeiture and penalty cases

Market access and investment services;

Customs and trade facilitations;

Import formalities and requirements;

Non-tariff barriers (NTBs);

Technical barriers to trade (TBTs);

Intellectual property rights;

Public procurement;

Corporate social responsibility;

Sustainable development;

Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures;

Agriculture and fisheries;

Competition policy and state-owned enterprises;

Proceedings and expertise linked to WTO dispute settlements and trade defense instruments;

Identification and efforts to remove market access barriers in third countries;

Advocacy with third country governments and civil society organizations;

Taxation issues;

Trade policies;

Economic, social and environmental impacts of trade liberalization;

Economic modeling




Binding rulings

Import bonds

Focused Assessments (CBP)

Duty reduction programs

Country of origin and marking requirements

Penalties and prior disclosures

Chemical substances;

Product approvals and technical standards;

Food safety rules; and

Environmental protection measures

Trade Remedies

Trade Barriers in Export Markets

Other Areas of Trade and Market Access Expertise



Filing patent

Patenting process

PCT and Foreign Applications

Assessment of patentability


Patent Infringement

Patent Validity

Patent Licenses


Merger & Acquisition

Prosecution and Defense



Application and registration



Assignement and transfers

Due diligence for Merger, Acquisition and Divestituting


Portfolio Management

Application and registration



Assignement and transfers

Due diligence for Merger, Acquisition and Diverstituting


Portfolio Management

Application and registration



Assignement and transfers

Due diligence for Merger, Acquisition and Diverstituting


Portfolio Management


Filing application for registration

 Infringement Oppositions and Cancellation

Anti-Counterfeiting and Grey-Market Goods and services

 Market investigations

Prosecution and Defense of Claims of Trademark Infringement

Portfolio management

Unfair competition and false advertising

Searching and clearance

Applications and registrations



Due diligence for Merger, Acquisition and Divestituting



Portfolio Management

Patent, Trademark and Copyrigths agreements

Technologies Transferts,

Licensing agreements

Joint-venture Agreement 

Non-disclosure and confidentiality Agreements

Distribution supply and manucfaturing Agreement

Joint development agreement

Outsourcing agreement

Corporate mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, bankruptcies, joint ventures, and securitizations

Professional services and consulting Agreement

IP litigation before courts of  Demoractic Republic of Congo

Patente litigation

Trademark Litigation

Copyrights litigation

Licensing Litigation

Trade secret litigation

Unfair competition and  False Advertising litigation

Portfolio management

Arbitration and Mediation


Data Privacy Policy and Compliance

Terms of Service Agreements

Software Licensing

Electronic communication: internet issues (e- commerce, e-reputation, marketing) and regulatory advice

Dematerialization matters: electronic signature, archiving, record-keeping

It services matters and agreements: cloud computing, outsourcing It, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), integration system agreement, software licensing all aspects of copyright, related rights, trade mark protection and patents

Corporate, mergers and acquisitions, and private equity transactions, which require specialist it input.

Compliance With data protection laws

Collection and use of personal data

Export of personal data to countries outside

Direct marketing activities

Electronic commerce

Consumer protection laws (distance selling, consumer rights etc)

Electronic signatures


Interactive Advertising

Software & Technology


Interactive Development & Operations

Interactive Entertainment





Multiplatform Media


Talent Agreements

Public Relations

Digital Media

Motion Pictures, Television and Radio



Branded Entertainment


Program syndication, foreign distribution, foreign and domestic co-production, and joint ventures for program production and distribution

Financing, production and global distribution of documentary motion picture

Licensing and production arrangements for live-action and animated programs that are produced exclusively for internet and mobile media distribution

Acquisition and sales of motion picture, television and other rights and options related to literary properties and life stories

Contractual issues for deals with writers, performers, directors and composers

Copyright, privacy and defamation

Character, copyright and trademark licensing

Pre-broadcast review and advice to broadcast and producers on the rights of privacy, publicity, copyright, trademark and libel law

Live event programming, including sponsorship and other cross-promotional arrangements

Joint marketing and sponsorship agreements

Artiste services and production agreements

Artiste representation agreements

Music synchronization and master recording licensing agreements

Copyright, trademark and endorsement issues

Expert musicologist testimony and advice

Promotion, marketing and advertising issues for new titles

Consumer product safety reviews and representation

Charitable industry and initiative tie-ins

Author and publishing agreements

Cross-promotion media arrangements

Trademark counsel matters

Pre-publication review and advice to publishers on the rights of privacy, publicity, copyright, trademark and libel law

Major author representation in all media-related matters

Publishing and electronic rights agreements

Business issues facing brands marketers in pursing integration opportunities, such as duration of commitments, international opportunities

Copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, issues facing marketers and broadcasters

Claim substantiation risk and exposure


Ownership, control and financial opportunities

The voice telephony market;

The land public networks markets;

The mobile telephony markets;

The mobile telephony networks markets;

The interconnection markets; and

The leased lines markets;

Bargaining and negotiation contracts

Purchase and sale of teams

Complex financings,

The naming of stadiums

Sports-related financial transactions, including stadium financings, franchise acquisitions, and other corporate matters;

Marketing, promotions, privacy, sponsorship, domain name, social media, and other intellectual property matters;

Sports sponsorships, including venue partners, event contracts, broadcast Programming, and arena naming rights;

Brand protection for professional athlete clients in all of their personal, professional, and charitable endeavors, including endorsement, domain name, social media, trademark, corporate, trust and estates, tax, charitable foundation and litigation

Licensing agreements

Stadium construction and financing

Collective bargaining Agreements

Antitrust and litigation

New media rights

Develop and protect Sports Brands

Negotiate Individual Athlete Agreements

Structure Television and Other Media Distribution Deals

Negotiate Employment Contracts


Sports media and Technology

Naming rights and sponsorship

Team Financing

Sports Acquire or sell sports franchises

Sports Facility development

Sports Financing

Sports Media deals

Sports Franchises investments;

Radio, television, and cable broadcast agreements;

Stadium leases;

Stadium construction agreements;

Advertising and sponsorship agreements;

Collective bargaining agreements and player arbitration;

Due diligence

Competition and Antitrust

Contracts negotiation and drafting

Competition and Antitrust Compliance

Competition and Anti-trust Litigation


Merger and Acquisition Control Review

Individual Tax planning

Tax dispute resolution

Tax – effective supply chain management

Investment structuring and restructuring

Market entry and exit strategies,

Cross – border investments and transactions

Tax structure for investments projects

Tax analyses of business transactions

Tax optimization

Tax compliance

Tax matters in day – to – day corporate operations

Communication with tax authorities and government agencies

Management Tax dispute

Business Structures and Tax Planning

Charities and Non-Profit Taxation

Corporate Taxation

Employee Benefits and Retirement Funds

Entertainment Taxation

Individual Taxation

Partnerships and Other Pass-Through Entity Taxation

Resource Taxation

Restructurings and Bankruptcy Tax Planning

Sales Taxes

Sub national Taxation

Tax exempt Organizations

Debt financings

Equity Investments



Finance and Restructuring

Bankruptcy administrator (trustee)

Debtors, creditors, committees, individual creditors, lenders, trustees, receivers and liquidators.

Draft, implement and enforce Bankruptcy and liquidation plan

Liquidation committees and proceedings

Compulsory liquidation proceedings

Claims in Bankruptcy and liquidation

Risk management

Creditor Composition and Assignment Agreements, Schemes of Arrangements and Voluntary Arrangements

Cross-border Restructuring Matters

Debtor Representation

Debtor-in-Possession financing

Distressed M&A. Investing and Debt Trading

Financial Institution Insolvency

Independent Administrators Monitors Receivers. Trustees and Other


Insolvency Litigation and Enforcement

State contracts, PPP, Policy, Regulation, Procurement Law project Finance

Negociating and drafting contratcs

Registration of employer to the Caisse Nationale de Sécurité sociale (CNSS)

Represents employers and employees

Labors dispute

Day – to – day employment matters

Preparation and employment matters

Preparation and review of labor contracts

Bargaining contracts, training agreements, Non – competition agreements and HR policies

Business Immigration

Corporate Board and Committee Representation

Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

Employee / Independent Contractor Classification and Disputes

Employment Contracts, Handbooks and Policies

Executive Employment agreements

Board Compensation Committee Representation

Executive Compensation

Executive Employment and Severance Agreements

Government and Public Sector plan.

Health and Welfare Benefits

Pensions and Benefit Disputes

Pensions and Benefits in Transactions and Reorganizations

Pensions and Retirement Plans

Plan Fiduciary Advice, Funding and Investments

Board compensation Committee Representation

Executive compensation

Executive Employment and Severance Agreements

Government and Public Sector Plans

Health and welfare Benefits

Pensions and Benefits Disputes

Pensions and Benefits in Transactions and Reorganizations

Pensions and Retirement

C-suite employment and severance agreements



Zoning and planning

Acquisition Disposition and Property Management

Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Other Co-Ownerships

Leasing Occupation and operation

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Public Private Partnerships

And Tax-Advantaged Investing

Contractors and Suppliers

Design Professionals

Developers and Owners

Insurers and sureties

Project Operation

Real Estate Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Real Estate Public Private Partnerships (PPP)

Residential and Condominium Development

Apartments, condominiums and subdivisions

Manufacturing, industrial and warehouse facilities

Mixed-use projects

Office buildings and complexes

Retail and shopping malls

Commercial Leasing

Purchase/Sale of Commercial Properties

Condominium Development

Landlord/Tenant Litigation

Construction Agreements

Borrowing and lending

Due diligence


Aviation and Aerospace


Freight and Logistics



Roads transportation Regulation


Concessions and Government Franchises

Freight and Logistics

Government and Transportation




Rail Freight and Logistics

Rail Operations

Transportation Infrastructure and PPP


Transportation Competition and Antitrust

Transportation Finance

Asset Finance and Lending

Project Finance

Transportation Infrastructures and PPP

Transportation Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Transportation Manufacture and Supply

Transportation Procurement

Transportation Regulations

Environment and Natural Resources

Transportation Technology and IT

Transportation Transactions

Bills of lading and contracts of carriage

Claims for loss of or damage to cargo


Employment matters; personal injury claims

General average

International sales of goods

Marine insurance

Piracy and maritime security


Registration or deletion of vessel

Salvage and wreck removal

Ship acquisition and disposal

Ship arrest

Ship building and ship repair contracts

Ship finance

Cruise lines and yachts

Litigation and dispute resolution

Maritime and logistics contracts

Maritime appellate and amicus

Maritime bankruptcies, foreclosures and workouts

Maritime casualty, pollution and salvage

Maritime intermodal and terminals

Maritime transactions

Maritime: energy, LNG/LPG and cables

Maritime regulatory, government and security

Regulator and litigation



Ferry services

Bareboat and time charter party agreements and contracts of affreightment ship management agreements

Negotiating ship construction contracts and security for the yard’s obligations

Contract negotiation concerning an on-site (manufacturer’s facility LNG satellite tank operation


Regulatory approvals and court approval for an LNG import terminal

All aspects of regulatory compliance, including ship security, cargo manifesting, and vessel crew requirements

International maritime convention compliance (IMO SOLAS, STCW, ISM, ISPS codes and other standards)

Full scope of services for managing your undersea cable project

Cable regulatory

Cable construction and maintenance

Cable fault litigation

Cable and infrastructure security

Review of tenders

Drafting and reviewing customer agreements

Acquisitions and disposals


Workplace Health & Safety (WHS)

Advice on transport legislation and regulations

Finance and operations

Ship charters

Service Contracts

Terminal leasing agreements

Onboard and shore side concession contracts

Crewing agreements

Onboard food and beverage service contracts

Vessel construction

Sales and scrapping

Vessel financing issues

Securities filings

Development and licensing of reservation and back-office systems and corporate governance

Financing new building construction of LNG carriers and specialty tuboats, including structured finance synthetic leasing transactions

Transfer of equity interest in liquefaction facility

Re-financing/synthetic lease of an LNG carrier

Financing and chartering of tugboats with specially built fire-fighting equipment


Monitoring, state and international legislation and administration policy in the telecommunication, security and maritime areas

Reviewing seller-drafted asset purchase agreements

Advised a public utility on restructuring undersea power cable maintenance and crossing agreements

Customs border protection matters

Regulatory and compliance matters

Customs border protection

Maritime administration

Department of homeland security

Environmental protection

Immigration service

Department of energy

Review of environment obligation associated with existing and planned international federal and state licenses and permits

Review of marine ecosystem and other cable protection measures to ensure maximum value and legal compliance

Vessel loss or damage

Cargo loss or damage

Personal injury and death claims

Natural resources and other environmental damage

Oil pollution liability

Emergency oil spill reporting and response requirement s, vessel general permits and reporting requirements, prosecution of environmental crimes including MARPOL

APPS violations and ballast water management regulations. Oil pollution liabilities arising under international conventions to

International convention for civil liability for oil pollution damage

Intermodal transportation

Safety and protection in the homeland security framework

Marriage contract negotiations and drafting

Binding Financial Agreements

Child Support

Child Adoption

De-Facto Relationships

Divorce & Separation

Domestic Violence

Parenting Issues

Property Settlements & Superannuation

Anti-money laundering (AML)

Diligence requirements

Establish customer

Identification and documentation requirements

Review and prepare customer /investor

Legal opinions on the application of the anti-money laundering statutes to specific transactions

Preparation of customer / investor profile forms

Establishment of numerous AML compliance programs

Advice on offshore AML requirements

Counsel and assistance in conducting AML due diligence

Yacht owners and builders and yacht clubs

Counsel clients on all aspects of their operations

Including business and finance


Litigation and financial investigations

Financial investigations

Business and human rights

Human rights risk assessments, audits, and internal investigations

Formulating codes of conduct and internal policies, training, establishing complaint mechanisms

International regulatory compliance risks

Drafts and revises agreements and memoranda of understanding

Due diligence, risk mitigation

Audits on partners, consultants, representatives, and

Public statements